Epilogue: Light’s Memory
Amy Sanderson Amy Sanderson

Epilogue: Light’s Memory

Erin learnt of Spark’s death a week after the battle in the sky. It was a week that had been both frantically busy and weighted with heavy, silent moments. Each day, she’d overseen new improvements being made to the guild hall or injured Priory members being transported back to the Shiverpeaks ‒ and she also read through the list of the dead, committing each name to memory.

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Epilogue: Family
Amy Sanderson Amy Sanderson

Epilogue: Family

Oska’s memories of the final battle were fragmented. He’d been facing Artair ‒ that, at least, was clear in his mind. He’d struck at Artair again and again, never quite managing to made a decisive blow. He remembered being hit on the side of the head, perhaps by a fist, perhaps by Souleater. He remembered the dark maw of the rifle being turned upon him, coming close enough to block out the rest of the world. He remembered, behind it, Artair’s smile.

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Chapter 5: Part 11 - Aftermath
Amy Sanderson Amy Sanderson

Chapter 5: Part 11 - Aftermath

There was a ringing in Erin’s ears that made the world feel distant and not quite real. Light was sneaking in through her cracked eyelids, just enough to let her know it was nearly dawn. And someone, perhaps very close, perhaps very far away, was shouting Auri’s name loud enough to cut through the whine.

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Chapter 5: Part 10 - Stone
Amy Sanderson Amy Sanderson

Chapter 5: Part 10 - Stone

The screams were all Erin could hear. The world seemed to come to her in fractured images, one little piece at a time. The face of the human Talon she was grappling with in the moment before he pitched over the side of the Victory. A flash of blue-grey Priory robes and what she was almost certain was Marta’s face. A pool of blood spreading across the deck beneath her, making her footing uncertain. And the sudden parting of the crowd on the ship’s deck as Talons and Priory alike scrambled for safety.

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Chapter 5: Part 9 - Steel
Amy Sanderson Amy Sanderson

Chapter 5: Part 9 - Steel

It was the greatest feeling in the world to know they’d made Artair angry. Oska watched as the portal at the end of the deck opened and the sylvari stepped out of it, a crowd of Talons at his back. He was no longer carrying his usual greatsword, but instead a sleek rifle that somehow looked all the more dangerous for being so subtle.

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Chapter 5: Part 8 - The Flawless Victory
Amy Sanderson Amy Sanderson

Chapter 5: Part 8 - The Flawless Victory

It had taken all Erin had to put her trust in Vasha. Even now, crouched in the undergrowth of Bloodtide Fen, she wasn’t quite sure what she’d let herself in for.

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Chapter 5: Part 7 - Good Luck With Thieves
Amy Sanderson Amy Sanderson

Chapter 5: Part 7 - Good Luck With Thieves

After days of frenetic activity, the guild hall had fallen eerily quiet. Oska was gone, of course, chasing Spark’s trail into the depths of Ascalon. Erin had tasked Marissa, Roan, Jean, and Caolinn to go after him. She was certain they had enough experience to handle Spark, especially Caolinn, who’d worked with the charr years before Light’s Memory formed.

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Chapter 5: Part 6 - Mercy
Amy Sanderson Amy Sanderson

Chapter 5: Part 6 - Mercy

Spark had always expected to go out fighting. It wasn’t only that that was the charr way. She’d scraped and battled her way through life from the day she’d left the fahrar, suffering untold losses, devastating failures, and more bloodshed than any one individual should witness. Two things had always carried her through: her work as an engineer, which she was certain held the key to bringing peace to Tyria… And Weir.

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Chapter 5: Part 5 - You Never Disappoint
Alexandre Drouin Alexandre Drouin

Chapter 5: Part 5 - You Never Disappoint

It seemed impossible to Vasha that one of the most dangerous weapons in Tyria could have been right under her nose without her knowing it. She’d been to Rata Sum countless times. She’d walked its busy streets and even, when the mood took her, poked around its many workshops. One of them, apparently, belonged to the asura thief Jean was so friendly with. And inside…

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Fourth Interlude: Loyalty
Amy Sanderson Amy Sanderson

Fourth Interlude: Loyalty

Blackthorn Manor was dark and silent, but it wasn’t empty. Erin had been at the door for only a few moments before it swung inwards, revealing a stern-faced servant.

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Fourth Interlude: Worse Than Nothing
Amy Sanderson Amy Sanderson

Fourth Interlude: Worse Than Nothing

Plans were being made, Jean knew. They’d been in motion from the moment Oska appeared on a hill in the Shiverpeaks, visibly alone. His appearance had sent a ripple through both sides of the battle and finally brought it to a shuddering stop.

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Chapter 4: Part 10 - Fury and Despair
Amy Sanderson Amy Sanderson

Chapter 4: Part 10 - Fury and Despair

Oska’s world had slowed to a crawl. He saw the arrow drop out of the sky and strike Erin in the chest. He saw her stagger backwards, unharmed, and brush the arrow away as though it was nothing more than a biting insect. He saw, through the thickening snow flurries, weapons being drawn and spells prepared.

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Chapter 4: Part 9 - A Hundred Years in the Wilderness
Amy Sanderson Amy Sanderson

Chapter 4: Part 9 - A Hundred Years in the Wilderness

It was a long time since Erin had spent any real time in the Shiverpeaks. Over her years with Amber and then with Light’s Memory, she’d passed through from time to time, but that simply wasn’t the same. Wading through knee-deep snow, waking to ice in your hair and eyelashes, feeling the cold sink right down to your bones… She knew Amber would call her mad for it, but she missed everyone one of those things.

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