Chronicles of Tyria: A New Chapter

Love Letter to the Past Decade

Dear Readers,

For the past 13 years, Chronicles of Tyria has been the home of many stories and authors. As the years have gone by, authors from the Americas, Europe and Oceania have joined our ranks and left their mark on our history. As they shared their words, pages, chapters and books with us, time continued on its course. And with time, comes changes.
In the past few years, we have seen some of our longest-running author conclude their stories and continue on to their next adventure.

In 2023, Nienna’s The Eternal Blade Saga—Nienna Valar’s adventures and the dark secrets kept by her family—ended its run with the third book in the series.

In 2024, Josh Wall’s The Magic Inside—Minkus, Penny & Ventyr’s journey of discovery, friendships and long-forgotten magics—released it’s final installment.

In January 2025, Amy Sanderson’s Stone & Steel—fourth installment in the story of a group of adventurer’s known as Light’s Memory—published its last words.

With Stone & Steel ending earlier this year, our last author is closing this chapter of their lives, but Chronicles of Tyria is not over. Knowing we would be publishing our last fan fiction soon, these last few months have been a time of retrospective for me as an editor on this website for near a decade now. It gave me the opportunity to look back on where we started—a casual guild dedicated to roleplaying, fan fiction and just enjoying this new game called Guild Wars 2—how far we’ve come since then—growing our team of authors, launching a podcast, publishing a comic, becoming Arenanet Partners and publishing an anthology of Guild Wars 2 themed story—and what the future holds.

I’m not done with Chronicles of Tyria.

As an editor, you’re often the invisible force pushing the stories alongside. Ensuring your writers’ intentions, words and imagery shines as bright and purposeful as they can. I have spent long evenings reading my authors’ work with my digital red pen providing feedback and corrections to ensure their ideas come through as they intended. I would not trade all the time I spent in the last decade on anything else in the world. However, I believe it’s time for me to step into the spotlight, start this new chapter, and to broaden the horizons of Chronicles of Tyria on my own.

Thank you for the last decade of Chronicle of Tyria.
If you want to follow our writers in their next adventures, please make sure to check out their Bluesky.
Josh Wall:
Amy Sanderson:

Editor, Chronicles of Tyria

New Initiatives

The Chronicler Recommends - Book & Art Recommendations

From Chronicles of Tyria to my academic studies in English Literature & Art History, books have always been an integral part of my life. I want to share this passion more wildely with the world, but with a Guild Wars 2 twist. Every month, I will share some book or art recommendations inspired by the world of Tyria. Whether it is an Agatha Christie novel reminiscent of the deeds of our very own Detective Majory Delaqua or the parallels that can be drawn between the Durmand Priory’s incessant thirst for knowledge and R.F. Kuang’s critique of power—especially its control over knowledge & language—the possibilities are endless. Every post will include a classic author and a contemporary author tackling similar themes to show how genre evolves over decades and centuries.

The Chronicler Recommends will be published on the last Wednesday of every month starting on February 26th 2025.

Giveaways & Contests

Being Arenanet Partners for so long has allowed us to stash a real treasure trove of goodies and prizes for contests which we have been securely keeping a hold of.
I want to give more of these prizes away starting later this year.

Sponsored Giveaways & Contests will be posted on our Bluesky account ( on the second Wednesday of every other month starting on March 12th 2025.
Our first giveaway will celebrate the release of the next installment of Janthir Wilds.

Priory Records - Short Stories

Over the years, I’ve also wanted to dabble in a little writing of my own. I am planning a series of short stories revolving around a scholar sifting through the archives of the Durmand Priory, uncovering historical documents, excerpts of diaries, long-forgotten fairy tales, Priory Mission reports and more. These stories will be short form and explore various themes, locations and character throughout Tyria’s history.

Priory Records will be published on the second Wednesday of every other month starting on April 9th 2025


  • Chronicles of Tyria is starting a new chapter as a solo venture for Jalinar.

  • Books & Art Recommendations will be published every last Wednesday of the month.

  • Alternating every month, I will be running giveaways and publishing short stories


Return to Cantha: Winners Announcement