GuildMag The Annual 2017

Hello Tyrians!The year is almost over and that means it's time for GuildMag's Annual magazine!Every year, the wonderful people at Guild Mag create a physical magazine to celebrate Guild Wars 2: the lore, the sights, the fashion, the stories, the events, the community, the art and so much more. This year's theme is Path of Fire.Unfortunately, Chronicles of Tyria will not featuring in the magazine this year due to scheduling problems on our end, but you can find the list of amazing content contributors below.On top of that, a portion of each magazine sold goes to charity. This year's chosen charity is WWF (World Wildlife Fund). You can find more info about them by clicking here.You can pre-order your own physical copy of the magazine by following this link. Pre-orders end on December 17th and will be shipped in January 2018. Don't miss your chance; now is the time to get your hands on a copy of the 2017 edition!Content contributors this year-MMOInks-Kora (GuildLores)-Age Nightroad-Dragon Season-The Our Sanctuary guildHave any questions? You can always contact the Guild Mag


Wintersday Contest 2017 Winners: Gryn and Etaoin Shrdlu


Wintersday Contest 2017 (Closed)